Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for February 2014
This page is intended to give Borough residents an overview of official actions taken by the Governing Body during February 2014. There was one meeting held this month; the Borough Council Regular Meeting on February 18th (the Caucus Meeting scheduled for February 3rd was cancelled due to snow). At the bottom of this page you will find official actions from previous months. For more information please see Borough Council’s Meeting Agendas and Minutes by clicking HERE.
The following Resolutions were Approved. Please note that more routine matters were conducted as well.
Resolution 2014-63, awarding a contract to Eagle Construction Services for the Sludge Thickening and Odor Control Improvement Project (at the Wastewater Treatment Plant) in the amount of $3,289,860.00, which included their base bid in the amount of $2,989,860.00 and Add Alternates 1-5 totaling $300,000.00.
Resolution 2014-64, requesting the State Legislature to make permanent the 2% Cap on Interest Arbitration Awards.
Resolution 2014-65, authorizing an amendment to an Interlocal Services Agreement with Burlington County for certain computer hardware and software improvements to assist the Palmyra Police Department.
Resolution 2014-66, authorizing the payment of bills submitted by CPG&H for rental property inspections performed in the amount of $3,245.00.
Resolution 2014-67, authorizing an agreement with the private, non-profit Palmyra Community Center Program Board, which is intended to assist the Borough in developing, promoting and managing programs at the Community Center.
Resolution 2014-69, appointing Dave Austin to various positions with the Borough.
Resolution 2014-70, awarding a contract to ERI to perform surveying services adjacent to the Epworth Methodist Cemetery.
Resolution 2014-72, authorizing I’ve Got the Scoop to use the Community Center and allowing animals for demonstration purposes.
Resolution 2014-73, appointing Anthony Fratto as representative to the River Route Advisory Committee.
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions from previous months
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for January 2014
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for December 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for November 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for October 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for September 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for August 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for July 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for June 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for May 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for April 2013
Borough Ordinances & Resolutions for March 2013