Construction Official, Building Inspector
Tracy Kilmer, RCS, ICS, HHS, CFI, CFM*
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
20 West Broad Street, Palmyra, NJ 08065
(856) 829-1096
(856) 829-4096 fax
*Building Inspector, Residential and Small Commercial Structures
Fire Protection Inspector, Industrial and Commercial Structures
Fire Protection Inspector, High-Rise and Hazardous Structures
Certified Fire Inspector
Certified Floodplain Manager
**Certified Technical Assistant
Building Sub-Code Official
Bob Salmons, HHS
Building Inspector Official
Bob Salmons, ICS
Electrical Sub-Code Official
Steve DeAnnuntis, HHS
Plumbing Sub-Code Official
Bob Salmons, HHS
Fire Sub-Code Official
Tracy Kilmer, HHS
Construction Office Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the supervision of the Construction Official the Construction Office provides the administrative and technical support for the enforcement of the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
The Construction Official and Building, Electrical, Fire Protection and Plumbing Sub-Code Officials and support staff are appointed by the Mayor in order to provide an efficient and professional level of service to the community.
Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fire: Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Electrical & Mechanical, Monday and Wednesday 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
For information concerning the current construction codes adopted by the State of New Jersey, and application forms for permits, please click here:
Residential Swimming Pools:
(N.J.A.C.: 5:23-3.21(c) 15.iii Definition)
Any structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing that can hold water 24 inches or more in depth. This includes in-ground, above ground and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
Do I need a Construction Permit?
Yes, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs requires that all inflatable pools that are 24″ or more in depth be installed with a building and electrical permit from the Borough. Residents can apply for a permit from the Construction Office in Borough Hall. FEE Depending on work to be completed.
Do I need a Zoning Permit also?
Yes, you will first need to obtain a Residential Zoning Permit from the Construction Office or on-line under the Land Use section of the Borough’s web site. The form will ask for photographs of the back yard and a copy of your survey for the property indicating where the pool, concrete walkways, patios, decks are located. There is a minimum of 5 feet setback from the side and rear yards and a 10 foot setback from any structures. FEE $46.00
What are the barrier requirements?
Above ground pools WITH a perimeter fence will be considered to be protected when the property has a fence around the perimeter that meets the maximum mesh size for chain link fences AND has self-closing AND self latching gates AND swings outward away from the pool. If this is the case then any type of pool ladder can be used.
Above ground pools WITHOUT a fenced yard can act as the barrier so long as the pool is a minimum of 48″ high above finish grade, considered non-climbable with a self-closing/latching gate and must swing outward away from the pool. The use of a removable or fold up ladder does not meet the requirements for ladder protection.
The barrier must be independent of any neighboring barrier. Neighboring barriers are not to be shared for purposes of meeting pool barrier requirements.
Additional information can be obtained at the Construction Office.
The New Jersey Uniform Construction Code requires that a Construction Permit shall be obtained from the local Construction Official before construction, enlargement, repair, renovation, alteration reconstruction, demolition, or changing the use of any building or structure. The Uniform Construction Code also has provisions to enable building maintenance and ordinary repair without the necessity of applying for and obtaining a permit. Ordinary repairs are listed in the following categories.
1. Ordinary Building Repairs include:
i. Exterior and interior painting;
ii. Installation, repair, or replacement of any interior finishes of less than 25 percent of the wall area in any given room, in a one or two family dwelling. This shall include plastering and drywall installation:
(1) Vinyl wall covering of any amount is an ordinary repair;
(2) Paneling shall not be considered an ordinary repair;
iii. Wallpapering at any location;
iv. Replacement of glass in any window or door. However, the replacement glass shall be of a type and quality that complies with the minimum requirements of the code;
v. Installation and replacement of any window or door, including garage doors, in the same opening without altering the dimensions or framing of the original opening. This shall include storm windows and storm doors. The installation and replacement of means of egress and emergency escape windows and doors may be made in the same opening without altering the dimensions or framing of the original opening, and shall not reduce the required height, width or net clear opening of the previous window or door assembly;
vi. Repair of any non-structural member such as a partition railing or kitchen cabinet;
vii. Repair or replacement of any interior or exterior trim, decoration or moldings;
viii. Replacement or installation of any flooring material, except carpeting, with a new material. However, installation of carpeting in one and two family dwellings will be permitted under ordinary repairs;
ix. Repair of existing roofing material not exceeding 25 percent of the total roof area within any 12-month period;
x. Repair of existing siding with like material not exceeding 25 percent of the total building exterior wall area within any 12-month period.
xi. Repair or replacement of any part of a porch or stoop which does not structurally support a roof above;
xii. Replacement or installation of screens;
xiii. Installation of any roll or batt insulation when installed adjacent to or not more than one and a half inches from an interior finish; and
xiv. Replacement of exterior rain water gutters and leaders.
1. Ordinary Plumbing Repairs include:
i. Replacement of hose bib valves in single family dwellings. Replacement hose bib valves shall be provided with an approved atmospheric vacuum breaker;
ii. Refinishing of existing fixtures. Relining of fixtures shall not be considered to be an ordinary repair.
iii. Replacement of ball cocks. Replacement ball cocks must be an approved anti-siphon type;
iv. Repair of leaks involving the replacement of piping between two adjacent joints only;
v. Clearance of stoppages;
vi. Replacements of faucets or working parts of faucets;
vii. Replacement of valves (other than shower or combination bath/shower valves);
viii. Replacement of working parts of valves, including, but not limited to, shower or combination bath/shower valves;
ix. Replacement of traps except for traps on culinary sinks in food handling establishments;
x. Replacement of a water closet (toilet), lavatory, or kitchen sink in a single family dwelling with an approved similar fixture provided that no change in the piping arrangement is made. Replacement water closets bearing a date stamp of July 1, 1991 or later must use an average of 1.6 gallons or less of water per flushing cycle; and
xi. Replacement of domestic clothes washers and dishwashers.
1. Ordinary Electrical Repairs include:
i. Replacement of any receptacle, switch, or lighting fixture rated at 20 amps or less and operating at less than 150 volts to ground with a like or similar item. Replacement of receptacles in locations where ground-fault circuit interrupter protection is required in the electrical subcode, shall not be considered ordinary electrical repairs;
ii. Repairs to any installed electrically operated equipment such as doorbells, communication systems, and any motor operated device. Provided, however, that if fire protection systems are interrupted for repairs the fire official shall be notified in accordance with the building subcode;
iii. Installation of communications wiring as covered by article 800 of the electrical subcode in one and two family dwellings, or the alteration/rearrangement of existing communications wiring in other occupancies provided, however, that the rearrangement does not involve penetration of a fire rated assembly and is not in a hazardous location as defined in chapter 5 of the electrical subcode; and
iv. Replacement of domestic dishwashers; and
v. Replacement of kitchen range hoods in single family dwellings.
1. Ordinary Fire Protection Repairs include:
i. The replacement of any sprinkler or smoke detector or heat detector head with a like device; and
ii. The repair or replacement of any component of a fire alarm or smoke and heat detection equipment (other than the replacement of a fire alarm control panel).
2. Ordinary Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Repairs shall include:
i. Replacement of motors, pumps and fans of the same capacity;
ii. Repair and replacement of heating, supply and return piping and radiation elements, which does not require rearrangement of the piping system;
iii. Repair of air conditioning equipment and systems; and
iv. Repair or replacement of control devices for heating and air conditioning equipment; and
v. Replacement of kitchen range hoods in single family dwellings.
vi. Replacement of clothes dryers serving and located within dwelling units, provided that no change in fuel type or location or electrical characteristics is required.
vii. Replacement of stoves and ovens in dwelling units, provided no change in fuel type or location or electrical characteristics is required.
All new construction and renovation projects require local permits. Various permits also may be required, depending on the type and location of the project. Always check with the construction office, local engineer or land surveyor before purchasing a property in Palmyra to determine what special regulations may be in effect relating to your location in the special flood hazard zone. If you observe any apparent illegal construction, please notify the Palmyra Construction Office for their investigation at 856-829-1096.
The Borough and Burlington County Public Work’s Departments maintains the Boroughs drainage system by regular cleaning of the catch basins. In addition, the Borough has ordinances prohibiting the placement of debris in gutters or anything that would block the flow of water and cause flooding in any drainage way. If you observe a catch basin which does not appear to be draining properly, please report it to Palmyra Public Works 829-8215.
Your homeowner’s policy does not cover losses due to flooding. Palmyra has participated in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Approximately 28% of Palmyra homeowners participate in NFIP. Flood insurance is avaiable for almost any enclosed building and its contents. Maximum insurance on a one family dwelling is $250,000. for household contents, $100,000. Nonresidential and business properties also are eligble for insurance in various amounts. Flood insurance is mandatory if the building is subject to any federally guaranteed financing.
Reduced rates are available depending on your lowest floor elevation above mean sea level, and a variety of deductible amounts. Don’t wait for the next flood to buy insurance protection. There is a 30-day waiting period before National Flood Insurance Program coverage takes effect. Contact your insurance agent for more information on rates and coverage. The Construction Office may have a copy of your Elevation Certificate, call 856-829-1096 for availability.
Detailed flood maps, showing local hazard areas, can be obtained in the Construction Office at Borough Hall, 20 W. Broad St. These maps show the major flooding areas and repetitive loss areas. For Flood Zone information call 856-829-1096.
The Borough’s main goal in planning is to reduce flood damage in repetitive loss areas.
Sections of Palmyra are in a flood zone and subject to serious flooding conditions from the Delaware River and the Pennsauken Creek not just during a hurricane or northeasterly storm but also a heavy rain event. On April 16th and into April 17th houses along the Pennsauken Creek suffered considerable water damage from flooding tidal waters. Detailed flood maps, showing base flood elevations of the Borough can be obtained in the Construction Office in Borough Hall. You may come in or call 856-829-1096 Monday through Friday and someone will explain base flood elevation for the area in which your house is located.
Sections of Palmyra has flooded in the past. You should be aware that the question isn’t if we will flood but possibly when, how often and how deep. The main technique that can be used to flood proof your structure and reduce the potential of future flood damage would be to elevate your house. You may ask the Construction Official to come to your site to review your flooding problem. We will provide one on one advice of the building regulations required to comply with federal and local flood standards, call 856-829-1096.
Storm and flood warnings will be given through Emergency Management and Palmyra Police Department for any storms which may cause property damage. A storm warning will be announced through Global Connect, Comcast Cable, and emergency radio station 1630AM, and by emergency announcements by Borough vehicles with PA systems.
The safety of your family is of the utmost importance. To be well informed about an approaching storm, keep a battery powered radio tuned to a local station or get weather alerts sent directly to your cell phone and follow all emergency instructions. If evacuation is ordered, do so immediately! DO NOT WAIT! Be careful to stay out of the water and away from downed power lines. If time permits, turn-off the main power switch and shut off the main gas valve. Follow the evacuation plan that you and your family have previously discussed. Be sure that everyone in your family is aware of a predetermined meeting point out of Palmyra. If you are in a low area, you may want to bring outdoor furniture and other possessions inside. You may also want to elevate your first floor furniture high enough that it is not damaged.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires that if the cost of reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvements to a building equals or exceeds 50% of the building’s assessed value, the building must meet the same construction requirements as a new building. Substantially damaged buildings must also be brought up to the same standards. If a residence is damaged so that the cost of repairs equals or exceeds 50% of the building’s value (before it was damaged), it must be elevated above the base flood elevation. You can get this elevation from the Construction Office in Borough Hall or call 856-829-1096.
New construction and substantial improvement of any residential or commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential structure shall have the lowest floor, including the basement, a minimum of one foot above the base flood elevation.