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Borough Hall Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - Noon

Tax Collector's Office: Open until 6:30 PM on Mondays
Tax Assessor's Office: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Mondays

Zoning & Land Use Board

Zoning Officer

Tracy Kilmer
(856) 829-1096
(856) 829-4096 fax

Land Use Board Secretary

Doretha Jackson
(856) 829-6100 ext. 124
(856) 829-4096 fax

What is Zoning?

Zoning regulates how land is used and protects the character of each district.  Zoning helps protect property values and the overall quality of the community as a whole through controlling density of construction and intensity of land use, as well as setting standards for screenings, building setbacks and building height.

Zoning Map

Application for a Residential Zoning Permit

Application for a Commercial Zoning Permit

Land Development Ordinance 

                                                 Land Use Board Application Information Packet

Land Use Board Application

For more information on the Land Use Board please see Boards/Land Use Board or contact:

Doretha Jackson
(856) 829-6100 ext. 124


Residential District Zoning Requirements per Section 305 of the Land Development Code

R-1 Residential District


The purpose of the R-1 District is to permit single-family residences at a density of approximately 5.80 dwelling units per acre.

A.  Permitted Principal Uses:

1.  Single-family detached dwelling.

2.  Single-family attached dwelling (twin or semi-detached dwelling unit).

3.  Publicly-owned park, playground, or recreational area.

4.  Municipal building or use.

B.  Permitted Accessory Uses:

Accessory structures and uses, including home occupation use and home office use, which are customary incidental to a permitted use but not including professional offices or business offices.

C.  Conditional Uses:

1.  Churches and houses of worship.

D.  Area and Yard Requirements for R-1 Zone:

1.  Lot Size:
a.  Minimum area in square feet:  7500.
b.  Minimum width:  60.
c.  Minimum depth:  125.
d.  Minimum frontage:  60

2.  Yard Requirements for Principal Structures:
a.  Minimum front yard:  30.

i.  However, if a building exists on either side on the same street, such minimum front yard set back may be reduced to the distance of the largest front yard measurement of such adjacent building (i.e. if, for example, buildings adjacent to the side lot lines have been built with set backs of 15 feet and 18 feet, respectively, then the minimum front yard setback of the subject property would be 18 feet rather than 30 feet).

ii.  The 30 foot set back requirement does not apply to the reconstruction, replacement or repair of a current portion of the principle structure. If the entire principle structure is torn down and replaced, the minimum front yard setback requirement of 30 feet shall apply or comply with Section 305(D)(2)(a)(i), regardless of the setback of the original principal structure.

b.  Minimum one side yard:  8.
c.  Minimum both side yards:  20.

i.  Except for a pre-existing twin home within the district, which will be allowed a minimum side yard equivalent to the minimum one side yard set forth in Section 305(D)(2)(b) above.

d.  Minimum rear yard:  25.

3.  Yard Requirements for Accessory Structures:
a.  Minimum front yard:  30.
b.  Minimum side yard:  3.
c.  Minimum rear yard:  3.

4.  Lot Coverage:
a.  Maximum building coverage:  35%
b.  Maximum hard surface coverage:  50%
c.  Minimum dwelling unit:  1,200 square feet.

5.  Height Requirements (Principal Structure)
a.  Maximum number of stories:  2 1/2.
b.  Maximum height:  35.

6.  Height Requirements (Accessory Structure):
a.  Maximum height:  18.

E.  Unspecified Uses:

Any uses not specifically permitted in this zoning district are hereby prohibited from this district.