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Borough Hall Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - Noon

Tax Collector's Office: Open until 6:30 PM on Mondays
Tax Assessor's Office: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Mondays

Adopt-A-Fire Hydrant

       More information will be available at the the FIRE PREVENTION OPEN HOUSE.

The Palmyra Bureau of Fire Prevention is asking residents and businesses to adopt their neighborhood fire hydrants. Anyone, a family, a group such as the boy scouts or a club who has a hydrant on or near their property can Adopt-A-Hydrant.

Fire Hydrants need a 3-foot radius from snow in the winter and vegitation overgrowth in the summer. This is usually done by the fire department or the borough’s Public Works Department, but especially in the winter storms, hydrants become buried before we can reach them all.

By adopting a hydrant, you’ll be assisting the Public Works Department, the Fire Department, your neighbors and yourself. At a fire, the fire department must quickly locate and gain a water supply from the closet fire hydrant. A fire engine carries only approximately 3-1/2 minutes of water for firefighting. Palmyra also has nieghboring fire departmernts come in to help fight fires who are unfamiliar with hydrant locations. Your help will also help them in being able to locate a fire hydrant as quickly as possible.