Office Emergency Management
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Office of Emergency Management
The office of Emergency Management (OEM) is a resource group that supported the emergency services in Palmyra. The OEM evolved from the old Civil Defense program of the 1950’s. Emergency Management is a four phase approach of preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.
The OEM is responsible for the response and coordination of all activities necessary to protect Borough residents from natural and man made disasters as well as emergency planning. OEM coordinates emergency management services for the Borough by providing leadership, planning, education, training and exercises. Situations such as fire, flood, hazardous materials, severe storms, dam failure, terrorism, explosions, plane crash, mass casualty events, etc.
Over the years the Borough has been included in presidential; disaster declarations for weather damage. All requests for federal funding subsequent to disaster declarations are also made through this office. These declarations open up financial avenues from the federal government to assist with recovery to public and private organizations and individual citizens.
In the event of a major disaster, an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been established in the basement of the borough police station. There is a coordinator and three deputy coordinators. The coordinators are appointed by the Mayor. If the situation warrants, they are authorized to declare a local state of Emergency for the good of Borough Citizens.
The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) works under the local OEM to plan training and to mitigate safety concerns within the Borough. The LEPC is made up of representatives from Fire, EMS, Police, Public Works, Health Department, Building department and Borough Council officials.
The EOC provides a safe haven for government officials to provide direction and control of emergency response and recovery during a disaster.
It is the responsibility of emergency management personnel to maintain the EOC for quick activation.
Contact Us:
Coordinator: Ron Lindemuth
Deputy Coordinator: Richard Dreby
Phone: 856-829-1096
Fax: 856-829-4096