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Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - Noon

Tax Collector's Office: Open until 6:30 PM on Mondays
Tax Assessor's Office: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Mondays

Residential Sewer Fees Are Now Based On Water Usage!

For decades, like most municipalities, the Borough of Palmyra has charged our residents a flat, twice-per-year sewer fee to pay for the expense of treating wastewater. All residents paid the same amount regardless the size of anyone’s family or the amount of wastewater generated in their home, all of which flows down the drain and on its way to our sewer plant. Earlier this year in fact, all residential customers paid their first half sewer fee and every one of us paid the exact same amount except those homeowners who qualified for senior or veteran deductions.

Several years ago, however, the Borough set out to change this billing model by eliminating the inequities inherently built into a flat, one-size-fits-all sewer fee. We know our senior citizens and other residents living alone or with just a partner for instance, are especially hard hit and unfairly subsidizing those residents who generate considerably more wastewater that needs to be treated.

It costs the Borough $14.03 to treat 1,000 gallons of wastewater and we treat 160-220 million gallons of wastewater a year!

We began the process 3 years ago by billing just our commercial customers a sewer fee based on their water usage – a logical concept given that most water used goes down the drain. We didn’t want to unfairly charge our businesses however, for any water that could have been used to maintain landscaping for instance, so we established a “measurement period” during the months October through December. We know the amount businesses use during this period because we obtain water usage information directly from New Jersey American Water (“NJAW”) for those three months and then bill our commercial customers based on that usage. The results are fairer and more equitable for everyone.

An unforeseen benefit to this new billing model was a reduction in the amount of water used by our businesses once they realized how it affected their sewer bills, which helped reduce waste, which benefits the environment!

In response to concerns expressed by our senior citizen community and others, the Borough has now converted to water-usage based sewer billing for all of our customers – residents included!

Beginning with your next sewer bill, which will be mailed in September, your fee will reflect the amount of water your household uses, which most likely ends up in our sewer plant for treatment.

The new billing model is simple: First, the Borough has not increased sewer fees in three years so your new sewer bill will be calculated on a base rate of $249 per half, which includes 9,000 gallons of water used per half (9,000 gallons was the average amount of water used by our residents during the “measurement period” October 2023 through December 2023, which can be found on your NJAW water bills). PLUS, for every 1000 gallons used above 9,000, residents will pay $15 additionally. * (Note: see slightly modified billing model for Harbour residents below.)

As indicated many residents use 9,000 gallons of water or less during the measurement period so their sewer bill will likely not exceed $249 per half. Some residents use considerably more water however, and they may see a significant increase in their sewer bill.

The whole point though is that those who flush and drain more wastewater to our sewer plant will and should pay more than those who use less water, than those who conserve, and/or those who are simply comprised of smaller family units.

More detailed information will be included with your sewer bill but please feel free to call our Tax Office with any questions at 856-829-6100 or by emailing

* Palmyra Harbour Condominium Association residents are afforded 11,000 gallons per half included in their base rate. Because Harbour residences do not have individual water meters, all Harbour residents will be billed the base rate of $249 and any water usage above the 11,000 gallons credit per residence will be billed to the Association at the rate of $15 per every 1,000 gallons of water used.


Q:           What is the reason the fee is being changed from a flat rate to water-usage based?

A:            To make the system more equitable and to encourage water conservation. With the flat rate system, residential customers and businesses that use little water subsidize those that use a great deal of water. Correcting these inequities will reward those residents who conserve water.

Q:           When will this change become effective?

A:            Ordinance 2024-11 was adopted at the August 19th Council Meeting.  Second Half 2024 Sewer bills due on 10/1/2024 will be based upon water-usage from October 2023 to December 2023 as obtained from NJAW billing records. Conserve now! It’s never too early to take water conservation measures that could positively impact your next sewer bill including checking for leaky faucets and fixing those pesky running toilets!

Q:           When was the last increase in sewer fees?

A:            The last sewer fee increase occurred three years ago in 2021. There hasn’t been an increase in our sewer fees since then despite expenses like utility fees, insurance and other costs going up considerably during that time.

Q:           Are there any discounts offered?

A:       Yes, senior citizens and totally disabled persons receiving a deduction for his/her real property will be given a credit of $20 per half off the base rate of $249.

In addition, every Veteran who is receiving a Veterans Deduction for his/her real property will also be given a credit of $20 per half off the base rate of $249.

Multi discounts may be applied. A separate application is not necessary.

Q:           What if I have a water leak and my water usage is through the roof?

A:            Contact NJAW right away and if they find a leak and reduce your water bill, we can reduce your sewer bill too if notified within 30 days of the due date.


Q:           Why is the “measurement period” for my water usage based on the amount of water I used during the months October to December?

A:            Because during those months less water is used on your lawn and for landscaping, washing cars, and filling pools. We don’t want our residents to have to pay an increased sewer fee due to those activities.

Q:           Where can I find the usage for the measurement period on my NJAW water bill?

A:            On page 3 in the top left corner of your water bill, there is a number representing the property’s water usage for the month (X = usage for this period).  Simply add the months of October, November & December.  This total will match the graph on your sewer bill titled Sewer Usage History. (See sample NJAW bill below).

Q:           Can you give an example of how the sewer fee is calculated?

A:            Let’s assume your October, November, and December water bills indicated usage of 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 gallons respectively, thereby totaling 12,000 gallons of usage. The first 9,000 gallons are included in the base rate of $249. The other 3,000 gallons used will be calculated as 3 multiplied by $15 for $45. Your total sewer bill is then $249 plus $45 or $294 for the half. Less any deductions you may be entitled to.